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Setting proxy port on the basis of computer location

In a similar way to configuring Printers, the Login Script allows the proxy port number to be defined on a per-computer basis using a CSV file. Using different proxy ports by groups of machines is a good way to easily control access (e.g. Block the Internet in room 31).

Choosing the proxy port is done by using the name of the computer you are logging onto (it is aware of thin-client networks and uses the client name, not the application server name). The mapping between name and printer(s) is defined in a file called roomproxy.csv which lives in the NETLOGON share on any of your domain controllers.

The format of the roomproxy.csv file is very simple. Each line consists of two fields separated by a comma (no quotes are used). The first field is the name of the client and the second is the port numbers to use. The client name can be wildcarded by using a * character (e.g. room31-*). The file is read from top to bottom and once a clientname is matched, no further checking will be done. Therefore you must ensure that you do not put more specific entries after wildcarded entries (e.g. if you have a * catch-all, any lines after that will be ignored).

If the computer is not found or the port number is zero, then the proxy configuration will not be changed. Otherwise, any Group Policies will be overridden and the proxy address will be set to an address defined by the $proxy="" line in the Login Script with the chosen port.

We recommend editing the file using Notepad. If you use a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel), it will probably add quotes around the printer names.

An example file:


room31-01 will use the proxy address defined in Group Policies as will admin machines (e.g. they are staff workstations). All other computers in Room 31 will use port 8031. Similarly, computers in Room 32 will use port 8032.

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Page last modified on December 17, 2013, at 02:34 PM by sborrill