- enquiries@precedence.co.uk
Should be used for general enquiries regarding Precedence Technologies Ltd and the products and services offered - support@precedence.co.uk
For all support queries - sales@precedence.co.uk
Sales enquiries should be sent here - jobs@precedence.co.uk
If you are interested in working for us - webmaster@precedence.co.uk
Issues related to this web-site only - abuse@precedence.co.uk
Contact for Internet abuse complaints, e.g. suspected spam from one of our customers
+44 (0)1223 359900
Postal address
Technology House
36a Union Lane

We are located on the left-hand side of Union Lane when driving from the Milton Road end. The driveway is opposite the hospital and is clearly signed on the entrance. Our office is set back from the road through a gateway.
The property was previously known as Avebury House, so please bear this in mind when searching on-line.
From A14 leave at the A10/Ely/Milton exit and follow the signs to the City Centre along Milton Road. Go across the crossroads next to the Golden Hind. Continue along Milton Road until the next major crossroads (after the Milton Arms) and turn left into Union Lane. You cannot turn right into Union Lane if coming from the other direction. There is ample parking space.