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Setting up mail redirections and POP3 boxes

Mail that is delivered to your domain can be held on our servers or forwarded onto other email addresses. You can have an unlimited number of email addresses (i.e. by putting anything before the @ symbol), but these won't necessary correspond to separate mail boxes. Individual addresses can be picked out (e.g. and then either held in their own POP3 mailbox for collection or forwarded to another email address. All 'left-over' email for which no recipient is configured can be held in another POP3 mailbox (allowing for multi-drop collection) or can be forwarded onto another address.

We are currently developing a simple web-based interface to allow our clients to manage their own email services. Until this is available, please forward all requests for extra POP3 services or mail redirections to our Support Team.

You should be aware that there are potential problems with forwarding mail onto other servers.

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