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Login Script

The standard Precedence login script uses Kixtart and is called logon.kix. The Login script path in user accounts should be set to kix32 logon.kix.

The scripts performs a number of operations in roughly this order:

  1. Make script run hidden
  2. Create folder for Favorites and (optionally) copy old favorites (if using a roaming profile) to the new location
  3. Rename home drive to something more friendly (by default, My Home Area)
  4. Connect to any other network drives. This can be done on per-group basis.
  5. Renames My Computer to USERNAME on COMPUTERNAME
  6. Alters some desktop settings. Most importantly, sets default save path to home drive
  7. Forces Start Menu to be in alphabetical order
  8. Configures Sunbird on-the-fly for use with NetManager Calendaring?.
  9. Configures Exodus on-the-fly for use with NetManager instant messaging services.
  10. Track user logins via NetManager
  11. Copies per-machine profile settings. For details see Profiles.
  12. Copies per-group profile settings. For details see Profiles.
  13. Checks for new email and displays a pop-up if necessary
  14. Connects to configured printers which are configured in printers.csv on the basis of wildcarded client name.
  15. If roomproxy.csv exists, configure port to use on proxy on basis of wildcarded client name.
  16. Display pop-up window for 2 seconds containing Printing on <printername> and with the client computer name as the title
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Page last modified on November 09, 2009, at 10:55 AM by sborrill