Desktop and Server Virtualisation Specialist 

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Precedence Technologies Ltd
Technology House, 36a Union Lane
Cambridge, CB4 1QB, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)8456 446 800 / +44 (0)1223 359900

Remote SafeGuard: Technical Information

  • Data transfer is fully encrypted and compressed
  • Access protected by 2048-bit public/private key encryption, not passwords, so not susceptible to brute-force attack. Your private keys never leave your site
  • Using rsync, only the changes are transferred at regular intervals
  • The files are stored ready for direct restoration ready for copy+paste, no restore software or process
  • Can browse securely to your live and previous backups for drag-and-drop restore
  • Flexible sizing to cope with your requirements
  • Automated reporting detailing your use
  • Integrated de-duplication
  • Adjustable data expiry to fit in with your data retention requirements
  • Can backup Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix and *BSD systems
  • Easy to use Windows tool to configure backups
  • All data held in highly-secure location with redundant power, cooling and connectivity
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